BASIC INFORMATION FOR DATA PROTECTION: In order to achieve our task of giving information to the interested parties regarding circumstances and conditions for treating their data and their corresponding rights, we inform you the following:
PURPOSE FOR DATA MANAGEMENT: Include its membership in future hunting companies selection.
FILING AND DATA MAINTENANCE: The data shall be kept during a 6 month period since the curriculum reception. After such period, the company will destroy the curriculum except that the candidate had sent an update previously.
LEGITIMACY FOR DATA TREATMENT: Explicit consent given under the acceptance of the conditions of our form use.
ADDRESSEES OF PERSONAL DATA: It is not permitted to allow the data transfer except in those cases in which a legal obligation is binding. There is no forecast of international data transfer.
RIGHTS: The party can revoke the agreement and exercise their Rights to access, rectify, oppose, limit, keep and suppress data, writing to Electro Muntatges Onaur, SL, in C/ Penedes, 43, Polígono Industrial Can Casablancas, 08192, Sant Quirze Del Valles apart from coming to the competent control authority (AEPD).